Important note:
On June 19, 2021, the SSL certificate was removed from Alexandra Grant's personal website.
This had the effect of breaking every previous link to her website, including the ones mentioned in the PR articles listed in this post.
Removing the SSL certificate has changed her web address from to
Her website is no longer secure.
For a better understanding of this please read - CAUTION.
During my research into
grantLOVE Project, I noticed an old post (April 2020) by a PR agency called See Hear Speak saying they had just revamped the grantLOVE Project website. I screen captured the post last January (2021) which is why the 9 months is circled. That's how old the post was at the time of the screen capture.
This post is a long time coming. I have been sitting on this information for a long time because I knew it would be very challenging to present what the impact of having hired this company would mean for both grantLOVE and Alexandra Grant.
I recently went looking for the See Hear Speak post so that I could get a fresh screen capture and noticed it had been removed. It used to be both on their LinkedIn and Facebook pages.
Despite the fact that post is now gone, I have no doubt that they did revamp the grantLOVE website. I searched on the Internet Archive, The Wayback Machine, to see what it used to look like compared to what it looked like afterwards and it is an improvement.
Unfortunately, I also noticed that the prices for merchandise jumped significantly. Hoodies went from $85 to $115 . That's a 26 % increase in price. A blue quilt doubled in price, going from $3000 to $6000.
When I delved more deeply to see if there had been any other increases in prices for any other items, the three Love, Love, Love (2018) works jumped out at me.
They were $4000 in January 2019.
Jumped to $10,000 each after Lacma.
And would jump again in price to $12,500, by June 2020. More than triple the original price.
Hopefully this jump in price was reflected in the amounts donated by grantLOVE when items were purchased.
Unsurprisingly, neither the quilt nor the three Love, Love, Love (2018) works have sold and are still available for purchase.
Although the post about revamping the grantLOVE website is no longer on their Linked in page, the promotional video of Alexandra Grant, made from footage that was taken during her solo "Born to Love" show at Lowell Ryan Projects on June 1, 2019, is.
So clearly, SHS has done PR work for Ms. Grant's personal business as an artist as well as grantLOVE Project.
The first part of the video shows Grant. The next clip shows Keanu Reeves. The rest of the video shows some of her artwork and the people in attendance that evening. Grant makes several appearances in the video. The video was shot and edited by Eric Mihn Swenson.
But it was only when I visited their website that I got a true sense of how extensive the work SHS did for Ms. Grant truly was. It was a huge eye-opener.
I discovered that they were a PR agency that was very specifically geared towards increasing brand awareness through digital PR for arts related clientele.
'Results-driven public relations agency"
"Maximize digital tools with integrated solutions for effective marketing, storytelling, social media, e-commerce, and more."
"Integrated campaigns involving digital and PR"
"Impactful brand stories that leverage data to drive brand growth and establish identity"
"Digital Interactions with brands"
"Experiences that fit your narrative"
"Observe the changing landscape and find the best way to adapt"
"We keep our ears to the ground"
"We have the team to help craft your story and tell it to the right people"
From what I can gather by analyzing their website, they are very much geared toward storytelling and creating a narrative that will work for your brand and propagating this created narrative through social media and digital PR. The "we keep our ears to the ground" comment implies that they pay attention to what is being said on social media so that they can "observe the changing landscape and adapt" the narrative as they go. This is truly a digital based marketing strategy. They use online resources like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and digital magazines to help establish an identity and narrative that is catered to how you want your brand and/or image to be perceived.
This is not marketing based on reality but perception; and online, PERCEPTION IS REALITY. If you can make people believe what you are telling them, it becomes truth to them, it becomes fact - whether there is any truth in it or not.
Marketing of this nature has been growing exponentially over the last decade. Instagram, especially, is an effective and fantastically cheap marketing tool. Unfortunately, it is also an easy way to dupe the public into believing something that is false. Many Instagramers do it, even celebrities. Public figures diligently try to maintain the image that they have worked very hard to create for themselves. After all, it is their brand. If others believe what they are portraying, then their branding is working.
Unfortunately, the problem with perpetrating something false on social media, is that you run a very high chance of getting called out on it. Social media users have no fear in exposing lies, and that exposure can cause significant hiccups to your crafted plans; cause story or narrative to unravel and launch you into damage control territory. Which is why, in my opinion, it is always better to be honest - stick with the truth and what's real - that should be your foundation.
But of course, if the truth is not flashy enough to meet your desires, or get the results you want, that's when experts like SHS are hired to help you create something that is believable based on the resources that are at your disposal.
So what does Alexandra Grant have at her disposal that can help market her brand globally and help it go viral?
Answer: Her world-renowned friend and business partner, Keanu Reeves.
I believe Alexandra Grant has been heavily manipulating and leveraging Keanu Reeves’ highly loyal fan base into establishing name and brand recognition for herself both as an artist and a philanthropist; and it appears she used grantLOVE funds to do it.
Why do I believe she used grantLOVE funds to do it?
Because when I looked at See Hear Speak's co-founder and Director of Communications, Jessica McCormack's LinkedIn profile, I found a list of previous and current clients. I noticed that grantLOVE is listed, but Alexandra Grant's name was curiously absent. I thought this was odd since it is clear that the promotional video was for Alexandra Grant and not grantLOVE.
Before I continue, I want to point out that it has not escaped my attention that Lowell Ryan Projects is also listed as a client and that the promotional video of Grant's solo show was at Lowell Ryan Projects. So it would be plausible that this work was done for them, and that is why Alexandra Grant is not listed as a client of SHS. But after investigating further, I've come to the conclusion that this is not the case.
For one, the video truly was about Grant. You only have to watch it to see that this was promotion specifically for her. She was the primary focus of the video.
Plus, it seems that Grant's personal website was revamped during the period between April 2019 and August 2019.
In April 2019 her website looked like this...
By August 2019 it looked like this...
I think it is very probable that SHS revamped her personal website in 2019 and then revamped the grantLOVE website in 2020. The July 2019 CV, which states that grantLOVE Project is a non profit and that her art is part of the permanent collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario, will play a VERY important part in the PR after her and Reeves walk the carpet at the LACMA gala in November 2019.
So, between the promotional video at her solo show, her revamped personal website and all of the PR articles and events that I am about to present, I think it will become very clear that SHS was hired to help Alexandra Grant build a narrative to promote herself and her LOVE brand through digital marketing by leveraging Keanu Reeves' fan base.
Bear with me please as I take you through my findings. This one is very challenging to expose, as there are various components that come into play. I will try and take you through the steps that led to my discoveries.
The first part was in further exploring the See Hear Speak (SHS) website. The website is fairly sparse but somewhat interactive.
If you noticed in the earlier screen captures, there is a search field where you can type in key words of interest, right under "How can we help you?". By typing in various aspects that a business may want to enhance, you get different results.
This is the result I got when I typed in 'increase Instagram followers'.
This is the result I got when I typed 'increase brand awareness'
This is the result I got when I typed 'PR'
This is the result I got when I typed 'marketing'
When I read these, I get the sense that they offer a fully integrated digital marketing campaign and that they monitor, collect and analyze data to restructure the narrative or story when the need arises. They adapt the brand as they go. This is NOT a short term marketing campaign.
In one of the yellow 'speak' screen grabs there is mention to "check out our news feed to get a sense of some of the recent stories we've helped bring to life for our clients".
This would mean that any of the 'stories' I find there would be stories they are responsible for; that they would have arranged to help promote their client in the way that they requested. It is at this point that the 'story', the 'narrative', the 'branding' and 'marketing' really starts to take shape. This is where I realized without a doubt that Alexandra Grant was (and I suspect still is) one of their clients.
Given that See Hear Speak is an agency that is very much geared towards creating, developing and spreading brand awareness through social media, digital presence and always on campaigns, one can deduce that a big part of Alexandra Grant's branding campaign concerns would be in tying her name to the word LOVE, the myth of Antigone and the “Born to Love Not to Hate” quote that is repeated over and over again throughout all of her work; and that the name and image of Keanu Reeves in association with her would also play a significant part in marketing her brand.
On the SHS website, I found two thumbnails that would lead to articles about her Born To Love exhibit at Lowell Ryan Project, which occurred from June 1 to July 6, 2019.
One is a link that takes you to an LA Weekly article about the show, written by Shana Nys Dambrot (remember this name), which features works from Alexandra Grant's Antigone 3000 series. The other is a link to a Flaunt article about a conversation between Alexandra Grant and Roxanne Gay regarding the story of Antigone and it's relevance in today's climate. This conversation also took place at Lowell Ryan Projects, with Alexandra Grant's 'Born to Love' Antigone series on display.
Below is the LA Weekly article from one of the thumbnails.
Clicking on Alexandra Grant's name takes you to another LA Weekly article about Alexandra Grant written by the same author. The author is also the art editor at LA Weekly.
This article is very
important. It was published on May 27, 2019, just prior to the opening night of her show at
Lowell Ryan Projects (June 1, 2019). It is clearly PR advertising for Alexandra
Grant and the article is filled with links to other sites that are relevant to
her. This article will be used as a reference in future articles after the LACMA gala (November 2, 2019).
The LOVE House is
mentioned and is a clickable link which takes you to a very outdated (2011) page of the California Community
Foundation site where there is a write-up on the artist under the nonprofits
section of the website. There are pictures of her earlier works, the LOVE
House, a brief statement from the artist and bio. Although the LOVE House is
mentioned, there is no mention of grantLOVE Project.
X Artists' Books is mentioned and is a clickable link which takes you the X Artists' Books website.
Lowell Ryan Projects is mentioned and is a clickable link which takes you to Alexandra Grant's website (not Lowell Ryan's website) where there is an entry for her solo show under the portfolios section.
At the end of the article, all of Alexandra Grant's social media handles are mentioned.
So, from this article alone you can be redirected to 6 different websites that function as advertising for Alexandra Grant:
There is no mention of
any of the grantLOVE pages (instagram, facebook, website) whatsoever in this article. Alexandra Grant is not promoting granLOVE at all here.
These types of links pointing back to her websites are called "backlinks". They are put there in order to increase traffic to your sites and they are one of the primary ways to increase your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which increases the popularity of your site. Increasing the number of backlinks is a digital marketing strategy.
The other thumbnail is for this article in Flaunt magazine advertising both the upcoming conversation with Roxane Gay and the solo show. This article will also be used as a reference in future articles.
Afterwards, I went to look at See Hear Speak' s Instagram. There I found two posts regarding Alexandra Grant and her "Born to Love" solo show. One of these had multiple quotes from different articles regarding her Antigone based art. I can deduce by this that See Hear Speak organized these articles as well. After all, social media posts like these serve as both advertising for the client and the agency. They are showing the work that they helped bring to life for a client so that others, who may want to hire them, know what type of results they would get. This is dual-duty promotion; promotion for Grant and promotion for See Hear Speak.
First Instagram post:
At this point I realize there are more PR articles than what was posted in their news section on their website; so I went looking for these.
One of them was written by Eve Wood (the artist who did the illustrations for Grant's book "The Artist's Prison"). The article spoke extensively about Antigone, Born to Love, choosing love (that's a recurring theme), but not one mention of grantLOVE Project. There were two comments left by readers at the end of the article. other was for Curate LA. Again the topic is, of course around Antigone, the Born to Love phrase and choosing love.
It is at this point that I decided to go searching for any articles during this period, as well as events where both Grant and Reeves were in attendance. Believe it or not, below is an abbreviated list. Any articles that mentions grantLOVE Project are highlighted in pink. Any articles that are due to paparazzi sightings are highlighted in red.
05-09-2019 - Podcast: What Artists Listen To (podcast) featuring Alexandra Grant. Hosted by Pia Pack.
05-15-2019: Event: Keanu Reeves Hand & Footprint Ceremony
Chinese Theatre. Alexandra
Grant in attendance sitting among his friends.
05-18-2019: Event: The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Benefit.
Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves arrive together at the benefit. Pictures and videos of them all over Social Media. It's clear by the YouTube video posted below that this is Alexandra Grant's event and that Reeves is her plus one. This is her carpet event and he is trying not to interfere in her momment. Only at her insistence does he oblige and come in for more pictures. The interaction is awkward to say the least.
Pictures taken during the event by Eric Mihn Swenson are immediately posted on his Instagram. He mentions Grant's upcoming solo show and he is the one that filmed the promotional video mentioned earlier.
Jessica McCormack (co-founder of SHS) lists MOCA several times on her LinkeIn profile. She's worked for them as a Communications Specialist and did some project management for some of their events prior to founding SHS.
05-20-2019: Article: “The MOCA Benefit Brought Out Big Stars and Really Good Fashion”, by Merle Ginsberg. Large photo of Keanu and Alexandra arriving at the benefit prominently featured.
05-23-2019: Article: “Studio Visit: Alexandra Grant, Antigone and the Body Politic” by Gary Brewer.
05-28-2019: Article: “Meet an Artist Monday: Alexandra Grant”, by Shana Nys Dambrot. This is the article with all the backlinks I mentioned earlier.
05-28-2019: Article: “Keanu Reeves Steps out with Alexandra Grant for Dinner at Mastros” by Lesley Garcia. grantLOVE is not mentioned in the article but Keanu is pictured wearing a black grantLOVE hoodie. Therefore I also see this as advertising for grantLOVE and Alexandra Grant.
The Hollywood Pipeline is strictly a digital gossip magazine that bases most of it's articles on paparazzi pictures of famous people out and about, and they have a very strong social media presence. They don't just post their articles on their website, they also have Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. All of these social media accounts will post about these articles and redirect them to the article on their website. Every single one of these platforms allow for public comments. When you are doing SM based PR, this type of medium is invaluable because it allows you to "keep your ears to the ground", evaluate and adapt your narrative using real time impressions from target audiences. It's GOLD!!
As such, I am including some of the social commentary here as it is relevant in establishing how public/fan perception towards Alexandra Grant shifts throughout this PR marketing/branding narrative. Here are some of the comments from the Instagram post
05-30-2019: Article: “Datebook: Inspired by antiquity, Alexandra Grant tackles notions of Love”, by Carolina A. Miranda.
05-30-2019: Article: “A
Conflation of Dueling Sentiments In Alexandra Grant’s Born to Love”, by Eve
Wood. This is the same article I mentioned earlier.
06-01-2019: Article: Born to love, by Alexandra Grant at Lowell Ryan Porjects. RSVP is through See Hear Speak Agency.
06-01-2019: Event: Lowell Ryan Project opening of Born to Love by Alexandra Grant. Keanu Reeves in attendance. Lots of photos of this event on social media.
06-04-2019: Article: Galia Linn and Alexandra Grant: Stories in Clay and Paint
Transcript of podcast hosted by Edward Goldman. Goldman was present at the opening dinner for Born To Love and uses the pictures he took that night.
06-06-2019: Event: Yves St-Laurent Fashion Show. Alexandra Grant accompanies Keanu Reeves at his event as he was the model for their Winter Campaign 2019. Multiple pictures and videos of them all over social media.
06-07-2019: Article: “Saint Laurent Brought Sex (and Keanu Reeves) to the Beach in Malibu”, by Merle Ginsberg.
06-07-2019: Article: “Keanu Reeves in “Cyberpunk 2077” after bringing Alexandra Grant to Yves St-Laurent Show”, by Lesley Garcia.
More Instagram comments...
06-11-2019: Article: "Remarks on Love: Alexandra Grant’s Born To Love", by Essence Harden.
06-22-2019: Article: “Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant Look Dashing grabbing Dinner at Madeo” by Lesley Garcia.
06-25-2019: Article: "Recommendation: Alexandra Grant, Born to Love", by Andy Brumer"
06-28-2019: Article: Roxane Gay and Alexandra Grant | "I was born to love, not to hate" by Hannah Jackson. Same article which is on SHS's website.
07-02-2019: Article: "10 Things To Do in July", by Abigail stone
07-02-2019: Article: Alexandra Grant Chooses Love at Lowell Ryan Projects, by Shana Nys Dambrot. Same article that is on SHS's website.
07-08-2019: Article: “Love Is A Battlefield: Artist Alexandra Grant’s “Antigone 3000”, by Abigail Stone. Promotional article advertsing the sale of alexandra Grant's artworks since the solo show closed on July 6, 2019. This article mentions grantLOVE, X Artists' Books, the conversation with Roxane Gay and Grant officiating a wedding.
09-11-2019: Article: “Alexandra Grant On activating the Power of Language”, by Marc “Frosty” McNeil.
09-19-2019: Article: "Keanu Reeves Rides New Motorcycle After Night
Out with Alexandra Grant", by Lesley Garcia.
It is at this point that you start to see the narrative unravel. People are starting to see through the charade. They see that she is simply using Keanu's fan base to make a name for herself as an artist and to line her pockets. Thus far, it is mostly through their publishing company, X Artists' Books, which was founded in 2017.
What one of the commenters said about Alexandra Grant marketing the books they publish by setting up "launches" where he shows up and signs books that he had no part in making, is true. The sales at these events are not because of interest in the books, but because Keanu is present and they all want an autograph and possibly a selfie. In order to get that, they must buy a book. The two collaborative books that they worked on together were published by Steidl and are not part of the X Artists' Books collection.They were made and published before they started their company. Because of this, they buy her book and they both sign it. It's absurd and I have no idea why he would consent to this. It's embarrassing.
More than that though, they are starting to see that the public image and brand that she is presenting is far from real. Her behavior contradicts it and they find this offensive.
10-03-2019: Article: "New Real Housewife of Beverly Hills Sutton Stracke Opens a WeHo Boutique", by Merle Ginsberg. Alexandra Grant attended this event. This article is actually the first article to mention that Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves are dating. It did not catch on.
10-14-2019: Article: "Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant at Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica", by Lesley Garcia.
10-21-2019: Article: "Keanu Reeves Puts on a Cozy Display with Best Friend and Business Partner Alexandra Grant as the pair enjoy dinner in LA."
Even though Grant and Reeves were clearly spending a lot of time together, the idea that they were more than good friends and business partners never really caught on. Even when Merle Ginsberg flat out said she was his girlfriend in her article, nobody paid it any attention. The notion was dismissed.
11-02-2019: Event: LACMA - Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves walk the carpet together at the event. Grant is wearing a Grecian style dress which fits with her Antigone Greek myth themed art.
11-02-2019: Article: Daily Mail posts a picture of them in their article that came out the same day as the event. The caption under the picture describes her as a close friend.
It would take another two days before the first articles declaring them a couple would come out. Once that happened, there was then a onslaught of articles coming out about them. A slew of articles declaring Alexandra Grant to be the love of his life and lauding her praises. It is at this point in time that the philanthropic side of her brand starts to get promoted as well. She is about to start heavily pushing HERSELF as a philanthropist by using her unregistered philanthropic enterprise - grantLOVE Project - and by using PR articles that directly link to the July 2019 CV on her website which fraudulently lists grantLOVE Project as a non-profit.
Pay close attention now. This is where the digital PR starts to really take effect. The articles and pap sightings mentioned earlier will come into play. Remember the SEO backlinks and how they work to boost your rating and increase traffic to your sites? Watch...
11-04-2019 (4:00pm): Article: Life & Style Magazine - "Keanu and Longtime Friend Alexandra Grant are Dating: Their 'Friendship Turned Romantic'". This is the FIRST article to come out declaring them a couple.
11-04-2019 (9:17pm): Article: "5 Facts About Keanu Reeves' New Lady Love, Artist Alexandra Grant". This article references the Life & Style magazine above and five facts about her.
The facts mentioned are:
- She is a Los Angeles-based artist
- She and Reeves have published two books together.
- She has a philosophy around love.
- She created a documentary film called Taking Lena Home.
- She is a philanthropist. (grantLove Project is mentioned)
What is interesting to me about her philosophy quote is that it is not in either of the two articles I mentioned earlier. Where did Newsweek get this quote? Did they attend the conversation back in July and hear it firsthand? If so, there is no mention of it. Perhaps it was given to them to quote? Hm...
Only a few articles came out on November 4, 2019. Most of them would come out on or after November 5, 2019. The following are a small sample of the articles that came out promoting/introducing Alexandra Grant to the world as Keanu Reeves' girlfriend.
11-05-2019: Article: "7 Things You Need to Know About Keanu Reeves' New Girlfriend Alexandra Grant"
In this one article, you will find 8 backlinks that help promote her and increase her SEO.
Instagram: grantalexandra, alexandragrantstudio, xartistsbooks, grantlove.
website: (links to about page and CV page - 2 separate links),,, IMDB for Taking Lean Home.
11-05-2019: Article: Who Is Alexandra Grant, The Artist Seen Holding Keanu Reeves' Hand In Public?
This article is another wealth of backlinks. There are direct links to her personal website, grantLOVE Project's website (about page) and X Artists' Books website. There are also direct links to her personal Instagram, her studio Instagram and X Artists' Books' Instagram.
There is mention of her art based on the myth of Antigone, along with an Instagram post with one of her Antigone 3000 series neons with the quote " I was born to love, not to hate".
There are links to two of the articles that were part of her "Born To Love" solo show at Lowell Ryan Projects - "LA Weekly: Meet An artist Monday" (6 backlinks) and the "Love is Battlefield" (3 backlinks). There is also a link to The Creative Independent article which I listed earlier, as well as two more older articles that feature her and Reeves during the promotion for X Artists' Books - &
There is also a YouTube video of Reeves and Grant reading their collaborative book "Shadows". The writer describes the reading as flirtatious. The grand total for backlinks for this one article is 11.
11-05-2019: Article: "Who Is Keanu Reeves’ Girlfriend, Alexandra Grant?"
More backlinks to; Grant's website 'About' page (CV location), X Artists' Books, grantLOVE Project, Grant's studio Instagram. Links to an ongoing exhibition she was part of at the time (Code Word Safe) and to an article about her from 2018 (Voyagela) which has numerous backlinks for her.
11-06-2019: Article: "Keanu Reeves is Dating Someone His Own Age. Why is That so Shocking?"
Please note that they are referring to grantLOVE Project as a CHARITY because it is listed as a NON-PROFIT in the July 2019 CV.
11-05-2019: Article: "Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant Engaged? A timeline of their relationship" by Lesley Garcia.
I would not be surprised if that were the case. I get the impression that she views grantLOVE's funds and assets as available for her to use as she sees fit. She has no basic understanding of the rules regarding these charitable assets and funds and that these are held in trust by her to be used ONLY FOR THE EXPRESSED PURPOSE DECLARED WHEN THEY WERE RAISED OR MADE FOR.
For example, this past April, Alexandra Grant donated a series of 4 grantLOVE x Cachetejack prints to the Venice Family Clinic's Annual Art Walk + Auction. There are two problems with this.
Firstly, the Venice Family Clinic is not the type of organization that can benefit from grantLOVE assets or funds. They are not an art related organization, they are a medical clinic. Just because they are raising funds through an art auction that does not mean that they qualify. The funds raised will not benefit the art in any way and that is what grantLOVE donations should be based on. Their mission statement says it's for artist projects, arts non-profits and art education. If Alexandra Grant wanted to donate an art work for that auction she should have chosen something from her private practice, one of her many Born To Love Not To Hate pieces. That would have been appropriate.
Secondly, to take the inappropriateness further, all of the grantLOVE x Cachetejack prints were created to benefit Savvy Contemporary in Berlin. She is diverting these assets from their advertised beneficiaries. The worst part about this is that she even admitted as much during the Virtual Art Talk organized for the Venice Art Auction.
This art talk was moderated by Shana Nys Dambrot, art editor for LA Weekly and the same person who wrote those two PR articles I mentioned earlier, one of which was listed on See Hear Speak's website. She is also the person who spoke at Alexandra Grant's 'Born To Love' solo show at Lowell Ryan Projects.
In fact, she's also written two articles for X Artists' Books.
One promoting the publishing house as a whole ( And the other promoting one of the authors which included a backlink to the X Artists' Books website (
In other words, Shana Nys Dambrot has strong history of promoting Alexandra Grant's various enterprises. It is not a coincidence that she was the moderator for this talk which included Alexandra Grant.
Then there is the fact that the Venice Family clinic is also one of See Hear Speak's clients. This is not a coincidence either.
So, if you think that Alexandra Grant is no longer using See Hear Speak for her PR... guess again.
Shana Nys Dambrot gave glowing praise to Alexandra Grant and was positively gushing when she spoke about her. It was over the top and uncomfortable to watch. She did not speak this way about the other artist.
Alexandra Grant only posted about the Virtual Art Talk on her personal Instagram. There are no posts about the Venice Art Walk on the grantLOVE Instagram, despite the fact that their assets were donated for the auction. In other words, she used this event to promote herself only. This event and those assets served to promote Alexandra Grant the artist, and Alexandra Grant the philanthropist. Promoting grantLOVE wasn't even an afterthought. That's why there are no posts about it on the grantLOVE Instagram account.
Also, during the talk, she spoke about her love philosophy and the three pillars of love, which also has been mentioned in previous PR articles.
"Around 11 years ago I decided to really just focus on creating an ongoing project and body of work around the word love. And love for me has three parts. Self-care, self-love, it’s fundamental to be able to care for other people. The second thing is loving the people that we know who are in our families and direct communities. The third, and I think the most important, is how do we love people who we don’t know and who are different than us. And so that… those three pillars are the basis of the grantLOVE Project."
What is interesting to me is the last sentence. She is essentially saying that grantLOVE Project is an extension of her ongoing love themed solo art based on Antigone, the phrase 'Born To Love Not To Hate, the LOVE symbol which now represents grantLOVE Project and it's fundraising assets. grantLOVE was created to represent "grant's LOVE" philosophy. Therefore it is also meant to represent herself. This implies that grantLOVE was created to further promote her solo practice and her brand. In fact, she behaves as though both her and grantLOVE are the same entity.
I really respect your work! I want to bring one more fact that confirms your theory. Watch the date Grant uploaded Lena's tombstone movie to Youtube! It's November 6, 2019! She took every opportunity to promote herself.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this information. I just checked and you are off by one day. lol. The video was uploaded on November 5, 2019, not November 6, 2019. That being said, it is a relevant point and you can consider this new fact added through your comment.
DeleteThank you
Taking Lena Home YouTube link:
Thank you for the answer! This is due to the different time zone. People around the world read your blog, I'm from eastern Europe, for example. You do a good job!
DeleteYou're right. I did not factor that in. lol.
DeleteThe fact that she posted "Taking Lena Home" on YouTube at that point in time is not coincidence.
I am really glad to hear that there are people all over the world reading my blog.
Cheers to all of you...
This analysis is absolutely spot-on. Bravo!! I'm especially glad that you picked up on her "fake sufi myth" narrative because it struck me as very odd as well to say that her practice had to be the same when everyone was looking and when no one was looking. Over time and reading and listening to her interviews, I've discovered that what she is talking about is empire building. She has to be seen as a success even when one part of her empire may be falling apart. I imagine that would cause stress keeping all those lies from being discovered. Her one piece of artwork at her last show in Berlin felt like a desperate attempt to fool us into believing she was relevant. In sheer size alone it screamed 'Look at me' AG sort of reminds me of a character in the film American Beauty played my Annette Benning who is convinced that if she just repeats the phrase " I will sell this house, I will sell this house" that she will get her first real estate deal. Magical thinking. Yet AG is an updated version for our cynical 21st Century because she doesn't really believe in magical thinking but is still trying to sell us the myth of herself.
ReplyDeleteAlexandra Grant's "fake Sufi myth" comment is one that has been on my mind for a very long time. I was wondering if anyone else had the same reflex as I did when they first read it. I am glad I am not the only one. I wonder how many more are out there that felt the same way when they first read it.
DeleteShe lets little morsels of her true self slip through when she does interviews like these. That is when you start to realize that the image she tries to project is very contradictory to her true self.
I agree with every aspect of your insightful analysis. Thank you for sharing it.
Great work. I have a few thoughts and questions.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I remain curious about the timing of Grant's creation of her personal LLC in 2012. On the one hand, it seems late, since she was a practicing artist from around 2000 and had her first solo show, a career landmark, in 2007. What happened in or around 2012 that made it seem worthwhile to pay the money to register? One reason I know to found an LLC as essentially an individual is to be able to receive certain types of funding that organizations are prohibited from giving directly to individuals. Second, why (until her change of name for her LLC in response to the CA AG inquiry re: grantLOVE) did she never register grantLOVE in any way after "founding" it in 2008? The most obvious answer, as you conclude, is that its because she never actually saw it as anything other than an extension of her overall professional art practice. If so, it may be that Alexandra Grant LLC is used as the mechanism to pay for PR for any and all elements of Alexandra Grant, personal, professional or when acting as grantLOVE. Third, regarding disposition of her art work, there's an article or interview with Roxanne Gay about her views on art and collecting. She mentions in it that she has two pieces from Grant that she received in a former of barter or trade. I'd guess this might have been her reward for agreeing to the gallery dialogue with Grant at Lowell Ryan. It gave Grant some academic/intellectual cred -- but unlike most of Gay's appearances, doesn't seem to exist as an available full video anywhere. Depending what she received, this could once again raise questions about use of grantLOVE merch for non-charity purposes. I'd also suggest folks look at Eve Wood's bio thumbnail on the RiotMaterial review: Eve Wood is Los Angeles Art Critic for Riot Material Magazine. Ms. Wood’s poetry and art criticism have appeared in many magazines and journals including Artillery, Whitehot, Art & Cake, The New Republic, The Denver Quarterly, Triquarterly, Flash Art, Angelino Magazine, New York Arts, The Atlantic Monthly,, Artillery, Tema Celeste, Art Papers, ArtUS, Art Review, and She is the author of five books of poetry. Also an artist, her work has been exhibited at Susanne Vielmetter and Western Project and Tiger Strikes Asteroid in New York. Notice what's missing? No mention of the XAB book. Finally, the Venice Art Walk donation is the first I can find specifically listing the set of prints as from grantLOVE -- all her previous auction donations are identified as from her (impossible to say whether it's personal or LLC) even if the item is identified on grantLOVE or elsewhere as contributing towards grantLOVE's charitable donations.
I am going to answer your second question first because I feel it is very important for me to point this out. Alexandra Grant did not change the name of her LLC, she filed for a new one and named it grantLOVE LLC.
DeleteShe now has 2 LLCs: Alexandra Grant LLC and grantLOVE LLC.
It is very important for everyone to understand this, because it shows that she still needs the old LLC. Which means she was using Alexandra Grant LLC for both her personal and grantLOVE business. I speculated about this in my Fictitious Business Filing Post ( In this post, I mention that Alexandra Grant filed a DBA in December 2020 declaring that Alexandra Grant LLC had been doing business as grantLOVE or grantLOVE Project since January 2013. I strongly recommend you read that post as I think it will offer some clarity for you regarding her LLCs.
Now for question 1 - The filing of Alexandra Grant LLC coincides with her launching the grantLOVE website. Up until that time, I believe she was selling her LOVE brand items through other non-profits or merchants. Because she was now selling them personally online, she needed to register a business to be able to do online commerce. That is my guess. And that she uses this business to sell both her personal and grantLOVE merch. I believe that, up until recently, personal funds were commingling with grantLOVE funds. Again, see the post I mentioned earlier. You can comment there if you have more questions after reading it. I will respond.
Lastly, question 3 – I completely understand what you are saying regarding how she dispenses her grantLOVE artworks when she donates them. My impression is that she views her non-collaborative works (like the neons) as hers to donate. PERIOD. She does not see them as belonging to grantLOVE. But she also treats a lot of the other collaborative grantLOVE products as if they are hers to use to her benefit. Yes, she does credit herself when donating or gifting items that bear the grantLOVE symbol/brand (sometimes grantLOVE is mentioned in a hashtag and sometimes not at all). It is a breach of the Charitable Trust Doctrine, but I don’t believe that she understands this. She does not know what that is and does not see that it is illegal for her to do what she is doing. This is because she sees grantLOVE and herself as the same entity.
She does not understand her duty as a charitable trustee and has no business doing any charitable fundraising. It was her duty to find out what her legal obligations were prior to starting this venture. She is in this mess because she failed to do this.
A lot of what I mentioned here I plan to discuss in more detail in future posts.
As for Eve Wood not mentioning her XAB book, well… I can’t really answer that, but I have noticed this omission.
I just checked the website of the Attorney General. Grantlove is now registered. What does this mean? Is this the end of the whole investigation, will there be no more consequenses for Alexandra Grant? But no matter what happens now, your blog is amazing, I really admire all the hard work that you put in it.
ReplyDeleteI noticed this as well. It certainly should not be the end. She has been operating unlawfully for the past 13 years. Even the Attorney General's notice to register emphatically stated that "IT IS UNLAWFUL TO PROVIDE SERVICES IN CALIFORNIA AS A COMMERCIAL COVENTURER FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES UNLESS AND UNTIL ALL REGISTRATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. Solicitation in violation of California law is grounds for civil action, including injunctive relief and civil penalties", which implies that everything she did prior to being registered will need to be accounted for, at the very least. There should be consequences for Alexandra Grant.
DeleteThank you for the wonderful compliment regarding my blog. It's much appreciated.
I like your blog, great work and excellent research on this fraudulent Grant
ReplyDeleteBut there is something that catches my eye, and that is that you say in more than one place in your blog that neither of the parties has confirmed the romantic relationship or not.. I'm just stopping here
No, on the contrary, it was denied a lot through Keanu and his official spokesperson through the 13 statements, and Keanu hinted at this denial through his interview with Cohen, the last of which was a week ago when he mocked her that he is married to Winona ... Keanu refuses from the beginning this game
And I am waiting for you for the second part of the fake public relations, especially the part of San Francisco and Berlin, in which Lana Wachowski participates!!
Thank you for your great effort
Thank you for your comment and the compliments on my blog.
DeleteAs far as I see it, there has been no unambiguous confirmation of a romantic relationship between Reeves and Grant until very recently, in the current Esquire magazine article, where it is stated that Alexandra Grant is his girlfriend. Keanu Reeves was personally interviewed and was the main subject of the article as part of promotion for The Matrix 4, which is due to come out next month. This would not have been inserted in the article without final approval from Keanu himself and his management. Consequently, I see this as confirmation that this is what he wants the public to believe.
Part 2 of "The PR Show" is still not completed.
Thank you again.
Yes, since it's a promotional interview for The Matrix
DeleteIt's under the management of Lana, not Keanu, and she and the fraud have been manipulating for their own good at Keanu's expense from the start.
I know the story isn't over yet and it will actually end with Grant's prison, Lana's failure,And this toxic group away from Keanu for ever
Thank you for reply and i'm waiting second part
Yes, it is a promotional interview for The Matrix 4. Regardless of this, they (Lana & her management) would not have control of anything regarding Keanu's personal life and how it is presented in the Esquire article. Only Keanu and his management team have that control.
DeleteThis was not a gossip magazine quoting unknown sources which aren't reliable. This was a planned article where Keanu was interviewed personally, where he was quoted. The article would have been sent to Keanu's management for approval prior to publication. Consequently, I stand by my original statement, this is how Keanu wanted it to be presented in the article and to the public.
Unfortunately, anything more on this matter will have to wait until future posts.
Thank you again for your comment.