December 28, 2020

Trademarked Jewelry?? What Trademarked Jewelry??

 Alexandra Grant's Jewelry is NOT TRADEMARKED!!!


Below is a screen capture taken of a post on Alexandra grant's personal website about The LOVE House. It was posted on October 8, 2014. 


Why is she posting about her jewelry being "trademarked" on October 8, 2014 when she abandoned the trademark application to class 14 (precious metals, jewelry) in the her lawsuit with Cartier in 2012? Her jewelry is NOT TRADEMARKED.



That's false advertising on her personal website. By publicly posting this erroneous information about her jewelry, she is allowing the public and media to be misled and, as such, to unknowingly mislead others by further spreading this misinformation through articles and SM posts. This information has been used multiple times in PR articles, including this one, in March 2020, where she was interviewed (see below). As such, she is openly advertising and spreading this falsehood.

In conversation with alum Alexandra Grant




The above article is also listed on her website under press.


I apologize for bringing this up again, unfortunately this does come up a lot with grantLOVE Project but, the FTC plainly states that this type of "misinformation" is considered FRAUD.


"The FTC Act prohibits unfair or deceptive advertising in any medium. That is, advertising must tell the truth and not mislead consumers. A claim can be misleading if any relevant information is left out or if the claim implies something that is not true."


If you are asking yourself why she would lie about such a thing, the answer is quite simple... increased profits.  


Trademarked items have increased value and therefore can be sold at higher prices. At first, you would think this is a good thing as it means that more money will go to the charity. Agreed... but that's not what she's doing. Only an unspecified portion of the profits goes towards charity.


In essence, this implies that Alexandra Grant is operating grantLOVE Project like it is a for-profit company, and not a non-profit charity. 


This is a problem. She's referred to it as a non-profit on many occasions, including her resume. She can't be both.


As discussed in earlier posts, grantLOVE Project is an LLC charity, which, in the State of California, is considered and must operate like a Charitable Trustee. Which means what she is doing is against the rules.


I am going to attempt to explain what is meant by "profits". Profits are determined after all operating expenses are deducted. Operating expenses are things like salaries for employees, rent, the fabrication and purchases of items to be sold, advertising, etc… Essentially, everything that a normal business needs to spend in order to maintain operations. Included in this are some basic extra funds for expenses, as these can fluctuate over time and they need to have something to draw from. Whatever is left over is considered the profits. These profits are what are donated. That is how non-profits work. The fact that she openly declares that only a portion of these profits will go to charity implies that she is not operating grantLOVE Project in accordance with the law; that she is not operating it like a non-profit.


In summary:


Alexandra Grant is lying when she says her jewelry is trademarked.


The only reason to lie about it is because it allows her to increase the price for her grantLOVE jewelry.


Increased price = increased profits.


Since she only donates a portion of the profits to charity, this implies she keeps the rest for herself.


grantLOVE Project ≠ non-profit


You can find many more deceptions of this nature regarding Alexandra Grant throughout her personal website. One only has to do some basic research to uncover them. The most egregious ones can be found on her July 2019 resume (


In my next post, I will be highlighting the lies on that particular resume as well as a few others that she has made the last few years. I feel it is important to point these out as it shines a light on a pattern of behaviour that is omnipresent in her life. When someone is involved in charitable fundraising and has a propensity for spreading miss-truths, one must question this individual's moral character and whether or not they can be trusted with the funds being raised and whether they will actually use them for their advertised purposes. I feel this heightened scrutiny should come as no surprise and is warranted at this point given all the other deceptions that have been pointed out in this blog.


P.S. - You can easily check the status of her trademark application at this URL. At which point you will see that she does not hold any trademark for her jewelry.

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