When First We Practice To deceive...
I mentioned this before; I feel it is important to point out the lies that have been presented by Alexandra Grant in her professional life. These lies have been pointed out repeatedly on social media over the past few years.
Lie #1 - grantLOVE Project is a non-profit - stated on her resume
grantLove Project is not a non-profit, nor is it a registered charity within the State of California. grantLOVE Project and Alexandra Grant have no legitimate rights to do any fundraising within the State of California. Neither her Project, nor herself, are registered to do so. I have checked this extensively and on numerous occasions. No registration exists. Yet, Alexandra Grant has stated on the resume posted to her personal website, that grantLOVE Project is a non-profit. Many articles have subsequently been written about her and grantLOVE Project declaring it as a non-profit charity.
And in this case below, I believe Frieze was duped into believing that grantLOVE Project was qualified to have a booth in their backlot, which was reserved exclusively for non-profits.
Lie # 2 - Her art is part of the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) permanent collection - stated on her resume
This was proven to be false by multiple sources. One of these sources emailed the gallery in order to ask the question...
Out of due diligence, I have also personally contacted the Gallery (phone call) and was also told that they do not have any of her works as part of their permanent collection.
I think it is important to note that once this fact was discovered back in March 2020 and was posted about on social media, Alexandra Grant saw fit to modify her resume and remove this "mistake". This pretty much confirms that this was a lie from the start and that she knew this to be the case. It is also around this time, after being called out for not being a registered charity, that she changed grantLOVE Project from being declared a non-profit on her resume.
Unfortunately, I believe she has given the 2019 resume to several organizations she works with as they are still openly advertising this falsehood.
She serves as Secretary on the Board at Bemis and they are stating that her works are part of the permanent collection at The Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO).
She has an upcoming exhibit and pop-up shop at Marfa International in April 2021 and they are advertising this erroneous fact as well.
The above Instagram post was made December 6, 2020. As stated earlier, Alexandra Grant corrected this "mistake" on her resume in March 2020. Did she fail to notify Marfa and Bemis that this information was incorrect? Perhaps it was too embarrassing for her to admit she had lied? After all, it is a very unprofessional and dishonest thing to do. It certainly would not put her and her philanthropic work in high esteem. In fact, it would prove the opposite, that she can't be trusted. Why would anyone want to be associated with someone who would do such a thing? Hmm...
This information has also been used in PR articles, namely this one from Narcity (below).
Interestingly enough, the connection to the Gallery of Ontario was used as a charming connection with X Artists' Books co-founder Keanu Reeves, whom she is supposedly dating (neither party have confirmed this). Which begs the question, was the fabrication of having her art as part of a Museum in Toronto, Canada (the hometown of Mr. Reeves) for the sole purpose of using it for PR and establishing a strengthened connection/bond to Mr. Reeves because they appeared to be in a romantic relationship? Was this the plan all along? If so... What an unethical manipulative thing to do. It would have had to have been the plan all along. She changed her resume in July 2019. The media established them as a couple in November 2019. There were many paparazzi shots of them together throughout Social Media and the press during the several months in between. Could it be that this was the sole reason to create this lie? If this is true, then it was pre-meditated and planned months in advance. I can't for the life of me figure out another reason for creating this falsehood, other than strengthening a romantic PR narrative. Can you? Still... it is very odd.
Lie # 3 - How long she served on various Board Memberships - stated on her resume
I will give some leniency here and acknowledge that not everyone would update this on a regular basis and that the likelihood of some discrepancies would be understandable. But, the fact that only 2 out of the 6 entries listed there were actually accurate is not a simple oversight.
To list serving as a founding board chair for Watts House Project as ongoing when it has been defunct since 2014 is ridiculous. Doubly so, when you compare it to the updated resume, and realize that she only served for 2 years (2009 & 2010). It took her 10 years to update this information?!?
Meanwhile, she had made 5 additional entries to this field during this 10 year period, and it never occurred to her to change the one entry where it was obvious that she could not be part of a no longer existing board??
If you ask me, these are not oversights. These listings were not accurate because it looks more impressive to seem like you are a member of multiple boards. It makes it seem like your insights are valued and that you are more important and busier than you actually are. Basically, it makes her seem more desirable and like someone people enjoy working with. The updated resume, the accurate resume, shows that this is not the case at all. In other words, it’s not impressive.
Lie # 4 - Founder of X Artists' Books - stated on her resume
Alexandra Grant was not THE SOLE FOUNDER of X Artists' Books. She was a co-founder, along with Jessica Fleishmann, Keanu Reeves and Florence Grant. To state otherwise is just self-aggrandizing behavior.
Lie # 5 - That she helped found the non-profit Woman's Center for Creative Work (WCCW) - quoted in an article
Alexandra Grant did NOT help found this nonprofit. Again, someone emailed the WCCW in order to ask this question. This was the response back...
Lie # 6 - That her jewelry is trademarked - stated on her personal website and quoted in an article
She does not hold any trademarks for her LOVE brand/symbol in the precious metals/jewelry category. She abandoned that application in her lawsuit with Cartier. Her claim to this is false. Please follow this link as it will give you more insight as to the illegitimacy of this claim.
All this to say that I believe Alexandra Grant has a propensity for deception and the "exaggeration of truth". I would be remiss in not pointing this out; her personal art business, as well as grantLOVE Project and X Artists' Books are all owned and managed by her and they all operate out of the same studio/office space.
Given Ms. Grant's obvious tenuous grasp at being truthful, it is hard to imagine that there has not been any overlap or misappropriation of funds regarding grantLOVE Project and her other businesses, especially given they all occupy the same business space and she is the sole manager for all of them.
There seems to be a lack of integrity here and I feel that this may have permeated through every aspect of her career and philanthropic work. I would not in the least be surprised to find out that there have been some grievous breaches of trust within all her business practices, charitable or otherwise.